Think about it - why would someone respond right now to your postcard, flyer, or radio advertisement? "Wow! I'm ready right now to buy a home! I should act NOW!" It doesn't work that way. In fact, many of the print advertisements I see involve open houses or event promotion. In my opinion you're paying to attract a lot of 'lookers' - and more often than not you don't have a follow up strategy in place other than a few phone calls and emails asking "Hey, are you ready to buy a house yet?"

That's alright - I'm here to solve your problem.
Why You Must Create A Video Course
Rather, I recommend you create a 7 or 9 day "How to Buy a Home" or "How to Build A Home" course. Make 7 different educational videos to teach the viewer what they need to know to make a smart decision. No selling, you're going to charge for this course - not financially, but people must give up their contact information to get it, which is your lead. Put the videos on a webpage only you know about, then send this special link to prospects when they call or email to request your course.
How to Get The Word Out To Get Leads
To get the word out, run a testimonial radio ad with an individual who has taken your course. Make sure your talent mentions your course is simple, informational, helpful; and saved them time, frustration, and money when making their decision. Have them recommend that everyone must go to your website to download your course or call for the free link. Say you normally charge $99 for the course, but for the next 48 hours you can get it free as a special promotion. Your course is called "lead-bait", just like a free brochure or DVD in a Bowflex Commercial. You want the right critter (your prospect) to take your bait (the free course) so you generate leads.

For example, here's the radio ad to run - you could do the same in a newspaper ad or on a postcard.
"Hello, I'm Stacy Adams a busy mother of three and a high school teacher right here in Omaha, NE. With my growing family, we needed to build a home to fit our needs but we've only heard horror stories of bad contractors. I want to let you know I took this (realtors/builders) course and now I'm the smartest person in the room. I saved a ton of money and frustration, and now I have the home of my dreams! I recommend you go to their website right now to download it - it's very helpful."
So who will respond to this ad? People who are looking to build or buy a house! Now you have yourself of list of prospects to hustle, and you've already positioned yourself as the trusted expert from the start.
Need ideas for what to put in your course?
Visit and find a few books on your topic, then take a look at the FREE table of contents. You can film your videos with a $150 Flip camera, host them on YouTube for free, and put the links on a page for free.
Your course also works great for lead follow up if you already have an interested prospect who did not respond because of the course (for example, someone who came to your open house or event). You can promote your course on your website, using Google AdWords, on your business cards, on postcards, fliers - the possibilities are endless. In short, your course is called your secondary offer - a reason for a prospect to respond RIGHT NOW so you can nurture them into your primary offer with is selling them a home or large ticket item.
Remember, before people make a large buying decision, they are looking for information - this is the information age. Be the trusted broker of that information and you'll generate all the leads you'll ever need.
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