August 13, 2012

Example of a GREAT first educational video for your business blog


Vyral Client Nason Hengst shot his very first video last week for his blog.

Watch it below:

Here's why it's EXCELLENT.

He brings energy and passion to his topic. He's not reading a script, he speaks naturally.

There's no fancy editing, just great content.

You get to see his true personality.
The video is perfect length.
He uses visual aids (computer paper).
He did it all in one take so it took him 5min, tops.

Remember when you listened to a new CD back in the day? You would listen to the first 10 seconds and determine if you would listen to the rest?

The first 10 seconds of your video must "hook" your viewer.

State who you are, then tell me why I should watch the rest of your video.

What question are you going to answer?
What tip are you going to give me? Why?
What story are you going to tell me?
What problem of mine will you help solve?

And most importantly, you must manufacture energy and enthusiasm on-demand just like you do when you're speaking with a prospect for the first time.

And when you do, your true personality comes out which builds trust - the first step of the 4 step selling process, which is:

1. TRUST - Do I trust you?
2. NEED - Do you understand my needs?
3. HELP - Can you actually help me?
4. HURRY - Why should I take action now?

(Most salespeople jump right to HELP, which skips TRUST and NEED - that's for another discussion, but something to think about)

So in your next video, take a lap around the office, do a few jumping jacks, or pick a topic you're REALLY passionate about.

And show me your true personality!

That's why you're using VIDEO - to make a better connection by showing human emotion, rather than using just audio or text.

Here's what I do when I shoot video: "Turn the camera on - let's shoot this, one take. I have no idea what I'm going to say - but I have something important to share, let's roll with it. 3-2-1......action!"

Those types of videos are always my best! And doing that just might make yours the best as well.

Great work Nason!

Until next week.

Your marketer,

Frank Klesitz

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