August 21, 2012

How to get email addresses of people you don't know


I had an interesting conversation with a Chiropractor last Friday, and it may help you.

Let's say you want the email addresses of everyone who lives in communities or neighborhoods around your business so you can position yourself as the local expert - without breaking the bank on direct mail.

I spoke with a Chiropractor who wants to get in front of everyone who lives within 2-3 miles of his practice - as that's where most of his patients live.

I'm sure you can relate.

First - as many of you already know - you can buy the names, addresses, and phone numbers of just about anyone, anywhere, using a company like Cole Information, or hire a VA on Elance (market rate is about $0.12 a record) to reverse look up contact information on from free county tax records.

Now, keep a printed list of your ideal 'prospects' with you at all times.

When you meet with a client - or in the Chiropractor's case, a patient, say this:

"And just one more thing...I'm looking to help more people. Here's a targeted list of everyone who may have the problem I solve, just as I did for you. Do you recognize anyone on this list? I have them sorted by neighborhood or group. With your introduction, I want to offer them a free ___________________, and I can also offer you a free ___________________ as well if you could introduce me to anyone on this list. Could you shoot them a text, give them a call, or email them now letting them know I'll be in touch? I also have a postcard here you can jot a message down on and I'll put it in the mail."

So here's your "ah-ha" moment today:

You can buy or hire a virtual assistant overseas very cheaply to compile a list of everyone who would potentially hire or buy from you. This could be hundreds or thousands of your perfect customers.

Every business owner should own this cold prospect list!

Then, carry this list with you at all times, politely asking everyone you meet if they could refer you to someone on your prospect list - then put them into your database for follow up!

That's how you get the email addresses of all your ideal prospects, without spamming.

Do you have your ideal prospect list?

Your marketer,


P.S. I launched my new weekly podcast last week - the first episode is on cost-effective direct mail strategies. Click here to listen:

1 comment:

  1. what a great idea....genious!! I am starting this tomorrow. Jason Irwin
