March 2014
Roxie Robertson
Real Estate Professional
Minneapolis, MN
Vyral Client and Minneapolis real estate agent Roxie Robertson shares how fast she generated immediate home seller leads with hyper local keyword phrases on her website and videos properly search optimized for local niche neighborhoods and communities in the Twin Cities. To visit Roxie's video blog to see her SEO strategy so you can model it for yourself, visit
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Roxie: We're getting internet leads - people who want to buy and sell their homes - people who are searching online looking for a real estate agent.
Frank: How are they finding you? Based on this first video you have on your blog?
Roxie: It was only up for four days and we started getting in leads, just right away. Really, on day five we already had gotten three leads. And I asked them, where did you come from? And they said from online, from the internet. And we didn't have that kind of presence before, so I know that this is what it's from.
Frank: And this is not even from before you even sent your video out to your existing database, right?
Roxie: We didn't even have videos on there. No, this is before. This is when we were still like, okay, put this picture here.
So we're just in the very early stages. And we've been getting leads ever since, just consistently from it. Just right away. We've only been up for like three weeks.
Frank: Well the reason you've done so well with that is you told us the very specific areas you specialize in. You have Coon Rapids, Blaine, Brooklyn Park, Champlin, Fridley - am I pronouncing all these right? - Andover, Maple Grove.
Roxie: Yep, yep.
Frank: These are all the very specific niche communities. And we've included these niche communities all over the keywords and all the videos and your blog and all the content we've created on your website, right. So when someone's online, do you know what your consumers are typing in to find you? Have you asked them that? That would be good to know.
Roxie: They're saying expert agents in what city they're looking for. But what I really like better Frank is that they're contacting us, but it's such a soft sell because they already know our presence. I'm not even having to convince them that we're the people for them. They want to work with us from the call so there's not that arm twisting.
They're like, can you come sell my home?
Because it's like we're already being validated. It's like a referral client because of what they're reading online. It's made a huge difference in how the consumer is seeing us.
Frank: What were some of your fears getting started with this in the first place?
Roxie: Well, number one I didn't know about it, Frank. And number two really I was hesitant to move forward, because you know you get bombarded with everybody's got the latest and greatest. I kind of thought it was a joke.
I really did. I just didn't think it could work for us. A blog? Really?
And it's really working great.
Frank: So tell me a little bit more about the process of working with Vyral Marketing. What do you like most about working with Vyral. I mean, why don't you do this yourself?
Roxie: Oh, it would never get done.
It would never get done.
And while I was searching for you, we had different people come in. But you can't hire somebody who works with - say, an automotive shop - to do what you've done for us in real estate, because you specialize in this.
It's just a no-brainer. It is the best tool that I've used in marketing in real estate. And I've been in the business for 15 years. Just instantly, right out of the gate, we're getting leads. And I just love it.
And the validation that we have too. That's really making it easy, Frank.
Frank: You have really lucked out. And you're very fortunate that we hit the right words that people are searching for online. For other people it takes much longer to figure that out. But it's because you gave us those special areas that people are typing in those areas.
And Roxie, you're the only one in the whole Minneapolis / Twin Cities area that comes up on the those very specific searches. And maybe not even comes upon those searches, but also they're seeing you as the expert because you're having educational videos, not just tours of your properties.
Roxie: Exactly. And then also working with you guys what I love the best is like today Frank, when I just had this little problem, you guys are just so good. And Dan just gets it.
When we were putting this together it was just so easy. I didn't have to go into long explanations about what I wanted accomplished. He's like, okay, we're good. I'm like, really? You already got it? And bam! It just appears. And it's working.
I just love it. Like today with my problem, or I needed a solution with something. In three minutes you're able to - it's very bada boom, bada bing! And I like that. Don't waste my time.
Frank: So tell me a little bit more about how much time does all this take?
Roxie: For me? I'm spending like three minutes a month on this right now.
Really, you guys just do everything. I love it! I just emailed Dan. Hey Dan, what do you think about this? And he'll tell me, we've used that in the past. What we found is this works better, would you like that? And it's always 1000x better than I even thought it could be.
Like our conversation today Frank. It's just incredible. You guys really, really know what you're doing. And I appreciate that.
Frank: I mean, do you have any fears about using video?
Roxie: At first I did. The first one was like, I can't do this. In fact, I was kind of scared. Maybe we could hire someone to do the video - is what I was thinking.
And now we're so excited we're doing videos all the time. And we sent Dan like six videos that he's editing. We did an open house. We did a home that sold. We went out and got a gold pro and we're sending the videos to Dan. And he's like, hey, this stuff is great. That's all we do. We just send it to him and he takes care of it.
Frank: So how do you know what to say in the videos?
Roxie: Dan tells us. I ask him for ideas. And he'll say, go to this guy and see what you think about this one. Or how about this? People are already searching for answers on this. Or he goes, I had a lot of success with an agent who did something like this. Does that apply to you? And I say yep.
And then actually just after a few conversations with Dan, simple like, he just gave me a couple ideas and we just ran with it.
Frank: One of the questions a lot of clients will ask for someone who is looking to get involved with Vyral Marketing is what's the ROI of all of this? I mean, you're spending $6300 a year to engage our firm to do this. How do you know if it's worth the money?
Roxie: It paid for itself in the first six days, for the year.
Frank: Well that's good.
Roxie: Yeah, from my first listing appointment, it paid for itself right there.
Frank: Have we gotten a video out to your database? Have we actually marketed your videos?
Roxie: No.
Frank: We're still waiting to get everything perfect, aren't we?
Roxie: We're still in preliminary stages, yes.
Frank: Okay. Wow!
Roxie: You know, Frank, and another thing I did that validated using you guys and which eases my fears is that I noticed when you have people like Lars Hedenborg, Amanda Howard, Lee Tessier, the clients that you work with are all at the top. So if you want to fly with the eagles, that's what you do, right?
Frank: Well Roxie, is there anything you want to share with someone who is kind of on the fence or is not sure if making the investment in Vyral Marketing will yield the results for them? What could you recommend to them to be successful? Any words of wisdom so they can get the same results you have?
Roxie: I would just say go for it. I think that it speaks for itself when the leads are coming in that quickly and when it's working like that, that fast. It's a no-brainer.
Frank: Well Roxie, thanks a lot.
Roxie: I wish I would have known about it a year ago or whenever you came out. And I'm not sure when you came out with this Frank. But I'm really just very, very happy. Just so pleased.
And another thing that's helped tool is that the partners where we're basing our real estate business, now, instead of us having to go to vendors and pitching a spiel, they're lined up at the door to work with us, because they're seeing this stuff. And they're like, that girl's got this going on!
Frank: Well they see you as an expert. They want to be aligned with you. Obviously you're going to produce deals. You're doing something different than everyone else.
But are we getting your mortgage person to help pick up part of the tab on this?
Roxie: Yeah. We have mortgage that pays for this. In fact, this is what's going to take us to radio. Now we're ready for our radio ads.
Frank: That's great Roxie. Well Roxie, I won't take up much more of your time. Thank you so much for your kind words today. And thanks for being a great client.
Roxie: My pleasure. Thank you.
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