August 16, 2016

SUCCESS STORIES: How Kristin Jamieson Received New Clients After Her First Video Email

"It doesn’t matter what you do different, as long as you are doing something. We need to look at ways to leverage our time because we need to look at what we’re worth and if it’s a money-making activity for me. For me to sit and edit videos or content, that’s not a good use of my time. One, it’s not something I'm good at, and two, I’d have to learn a whole new trade. It’s freed me up to do other activities and create an additional income stream and brand recognition for myself."

-Vyral Client Kristin Jamieson

[Full Transcript Below]

John: I am here with a new client of ours, Kristin Jamieson. She has been with us for a few months and has already started to see some positive returns. Why don’t you tell us about the results you have seen so far?

Kristin: After the first video launch, I started receiving new clients coming into our system. My first video went out on the first of June, and we already have a closed loan from that video. My second video went out towards the end of June and we have two clients who are pre-approved and looking for a home now that came from seeing that video out on the web.

John: That’s awesome. Why did you hire Vyral Marketing to begin with?

Kristin: I’ve always wanted to do more in social media as well as video marketing. I don’t believe I’m very photogenic, but I know if I don’t do it I’m not going to get any results. You guys gave me the push and the guidance to get me to feel comfortable and just do it to get myself out there.

John: Before you hired us, you knew video was important. Was there any thought of trying to do this yourself?

Kristin: I wanted to, but I have no idea where to begin. I’m at that older end of the millennials and not as technologically savvy as many of them may be. I wouldn’t have even known where to get started. I knew I needed to do it for brand recognition, but it would have never happened if I hadn’t met you guys.

John: Were there any fears you had before you signed up with us?

Kristin: Nobody thinks they ever look good in the video or sound good. It doesn’t really matter, though. The content is important, but really it’s just getting out there and being different. I’m sure people look at me and think I look better than I thought I would do.

John: What would you say your favorite part about working with us so far?

Kristin: The ease of the recordings. Basically, it’s a couple phone calls a month, approving the content, and that’s it. It really is a turnkey system and it doesn’t require a lot of my time, attention, or energy to make it happen. It’s something that gets done in the background and we’ve seen some great results from it.

John: A lot of people that listen to this will be prospective clients, especially in the mortgage industry. What do you say to those people?

Kristin: It doesn’t matter what you do different, as long as you are doing something. We need to look at ways to leverage our time because we need to look at what we’re worth and if it’s a money-making activity for me. For me to sit and edit videos or content, that’s not a good use of my time. One, it’s not something I'm good at, and two, I have no idea. I’d have to learn a whole new trade. It’s freed me up to do other activities and create an additional income stream and brand recognition for myself.

John: You’ve been successful in just a couple months working with us. Any tips for other people working with Vyral to be successful on the program?

Kristin: I had to look at what is needed in our area and my field. What information consumers are looking for, searching for, and feeling for. Know your market, and put together good lists you want to market to. You could have the best marketing plan in the world but if you’re not in front of the right audience it will never matter.

First time here? Download the video marketing plan we recommend or request a complimentary marketing strategy session to visit about working together.

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