August 12, 2016

Vyral Marketing Client Message

RE: Example Real Estate & Mortgage Marketing Videos

I want to share a great example video with you this week from Vyral Client Greg Sisson.

Check it out.

He's close to the camera.
His lighting is strong.
His sound is great (likely using an external microphone like this).
He gives a short intro followed by the logo animation.
He’s natural and authentic on camera.
His topic is local and relevant.

Here’s another great “Why Hire Me?” video from Vyral Client Kathy Lamb with Finance of America.

Check it out.

I want you to really feel the power of video before you watch the two videos above. You’ve likely never met Greg or Kathy before this email.

But once you watch their videos, how much more likely would you be to have a quality phone conversation with them if they called you?

The reality is quite a bit more likely since you now know who they are!

I want you to see these benefits of video marketing - not only the financial ROI you’ll see from more people doing business with you, but also how much easier and enjoyable it is to do business when you’re calling people who already know – or at least remember – who you are.

We simply need to keep building your database (we recommend adding three people a day), consistently sending out your two Q&A videos every month, and then calling all the leads generated from your videos in your open/click reports.

I know that this is much easier said than done.

It’s a matter of time management, knowing what to say on the phone, overcoming the fear of rejection, developing a positive mindset, staying motivated, and more.

It’s also a matter of having a strong assistant or team helping you with the service side of your business so that you can focus on where the money is – generating leads and going on appointments with the help of your video marketing.

For those of you in real estate, I hosted a Google Hangout yesterday with Vyral Client Joe Mendoza in San Diego about how to hire your first real estate assistant.

He’s also a real estate coach when he’s not selling real estate.

We have relationships with many of the best business coaches in the world. I personally work with many of them since quite a few of our new clients come from their recommendations.

If you’re struggling with a business problem outside the scope of our expertise, let me or your Client Manager know right away.

I’ll reach out to the best business coach I have a relationship with and bring them into your next call for a free coaching or consulting call.

There’s no kickback to us, nor will they be fishing for a new client. This I promise you.

I just want you to know that if you need advice or direction beyond what we can help you with, we know the people who can help you.

Email me back and let me know about the biggest business challenge you’re dealing with right now.

I’ll see if I can go through my “treasure trove” of resources I’ve built up over the years or get you in touch with the business coach you need to speak with.

With that, enjoy the remaining days of summer and have a wonderful weekend.

Thank you for being a client!

Frank Klesitz, CEO
Vyral Marketing

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