June 6, 2011

The Viral Effect: How to Joint Venture For Video Exposure

*Please forgive the TERRIBLE lighting in the above video - never shoot your video on a white background without daylight soft-box lighting. This is the first video in our new office, so I wanted to get it out to you - the sound and content is great, and that's what's most important.

There are two types of marketing:

1.) Pull Marketing - you post videos, blogs, leverage search optimization and basically 'put yourself out there' for people to find you when they are in need. This type of marketing is called 'inbound marketing', where people find you. Just as the name implies, you 'pull' people into your message.

2.) With Push Marketing, rather, you get your message directly out to your prospects. Push marketing is the essence of direct marketing where you first offer free content (that is, an e-newsletter or a free video) in exchange for an email address, then you build a subscriber relationship offering premium content, then finally make money by up-selling premium, profitable 'back-end' products or services.

Guru's also run blogs with daily free posts with HUGE call to action buttons on the sides linking to compelling offers, usually for information products (video courses, ebooks, etc.). For a GREAT example of this, check out www.dailyreckoning.com run by Agora Publishing - notice the consistent daily blogging and SENATIONAL ads under the 'Free Report' section on the right. Click them and you get a sales letter offering you an annual $39 entry-level newsletter - after that you're up-sold more expensive products via email. Brilliant.

Now it's easy to leverage "pull marketing "- simply keyword optimize your videos with the search phrase people use in your title, description and tags. For most people, this is how they envision online video marketing - simply put up a ton of video content on YouTube, optimized correctly, and the business will come.

This works well for inexpensive, heavily searched front-end products (i.e. loss leaders) - but when selling expensive professional services, don't expect to get any profitable business from search optimization. People searching online are looking for a quick fix and there's little or no relationship in this transaction sale. Video is BEST used to nurture leads, customers and prospects to build a long-term relationship, rather than generating cold leads. This is what we preach at Vyral Marketing.

Your Secret Marketing Weapon: Joint Venture Partnerships

So What's The BEST Way to Promote Your Videos For Massive Results?

Make a list of everyone you know who carries influence or access to your target audience (i.e. market). They are in 'toll-position', meaning their simple recommendation to followers can flood you with new business. When you post a new video to your blog (and after you promote it to your own database by Facebook, Twitter, email, RSS, LinkedIn, direct mail, etc), ask your 'JV' partner to send an email to their list or to at least post a Facebook or Twitter update, with a link to your video.

This is traditionally called an endorsed mailing - but with email, we call it 'endorsed e-mailing'.

This is, without question, THE most powerful way to get more views and leverage the social networks of those you know. Now, such promotion can happen without asking (people sharing your content without you asking on Facebook), but it's FAR better to be proactive and ask your 'JV' partner list to re-post your videos to their audience. If you're selling something in your video, normally there's a split in the profits, which in the video marketing world is called 'affiliate marketing'.

Kim Kardashian gets $10,000 for a promoted Tweet. How's that for being on toll-position with an audience online? The only reason Charlie Sheen started a Twitter account is so he could earn money with sponsored Tweets.

How many times have your received an email from someone you know, like, or trust linking to a cool resource? Chances are, if they were selling something, that's a joint-venture relationship.

So, be on the lookout for people who have access to your target market. While they may not buy from you directly, they know people who will, and that's powerful. Work out a deal so they share your content with their followers, in exchange for a piece of the business. There's little or no media cost (just email credits) and you get the best marketing in the world - a 'virtual' recommendation.

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