May 19, 2012

How do I determine the best topics for my videos? (Question & Answer)

It's not difficult coming up with great ideas for your educational videos. Here's how to do it.  Instead determining a topic YOU think would be great to send out - rather - answer questions your hear from target customers all the time. That way, your message correctly matches the market (watch the video to learn the marketing triangle). You see, when you try to come up with great messages YOU think people who spend money with you want, you may be wrong. But, when you answer the most common questions you receive from your best customers, you're always 100% right on target. Plus, it's much easier to answer a question you receive all the time (especially on video), rather than coming up with "difficult" topics ideas on your own. So, for your next few educational videos, just answer 2-3 of the most common questions you receive from clients or customers. You'll save time, your video blog topics will be right on target so you attract your target customer, you'll get more views, and it's just easier answering questions rather than coming up with topics yourself!

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