I get questions all the time on how to rank #1 on Google.
In my opinion, that's the wrong question to ask.
Rather, I want you to ask yourself, "How can I get more business from the database I already have?"
That's where your gold mine is for profitable referrals and repeat sales - not magically "getting found" online by someone who does not know you.
But nonetheless, ranking well on Google does have benefits. I published a great strategy on how to do this inexpensively a while back with video here:
I'm writing you this important message, however, for a different reason.
A client asked me last week "Frank, I need more people linking to my website using keywords that prospects type into search so my site ranks higher on Google."
And he's right, that's a BIG part of your rank - authoritative websites linking to your website.
Traditionally, you hire people overseas to write a ton of low-quality content (it's called article "spinning"), put this content on a bunch of random websites and shamelessly link your content back to your website with your chosen keywords.
And it worked - VERY WELL for quite some time.
But Google recently made some MAJOR updates to their search engine called "Penguin" and "Panda."
In short, if you're using cheap overseas labor to build "back links" to your website you can get into big trouble with Google and your site could get penalized.
So I made some phone calls and did my research on how to get a great search rank without getting slapped by Google - AND without spending the kids' college on paid search advertising.
I do not recommend you invest your time or money into link-building or SEO to achieve high search rank.
You must follow the Vyral Marketing ACE System first to get more business from your existing customer database:
1.) Add people to your database everyday (get their email address!)
2.) Create two educational messages a month to stay in touch
3.) Encourage referral and repeat sales proactively by calling your database
You do need to understand how "SEO" (i.e. Search Engine Optimization) works so you don't fall prey to shiny objects and unscrupulous peddlers of web traffic.
I wanted to pass along the best "link-building" proposal from a web firm I received that explains their process for building SEO for your site.
Click here to download the proposal I want sent. >
In my opinion, it's excellent. You'll see exactly how much an SEO strategy like this costs along with the concept of creating several "mini-websites" you own which link back to your main site.
It's extremely time intensive.
This is not a recommendation for their services. Rather, it's an educational proposal that I think you'll find helpful to understand how an SEO firm would help you rank higher on Google.
Just something I think you'll find useful. But don't do it.
(In fact, think about how you could make your proposals this educational!)
Get started with Vyral Marketing first - then move onward to professional SEO.
Have an excellent week!
Frank Klesitz
P.S. We have a live webinar coming up Monday Feb 4th at 3:00pm CST that reveals the ACE system on '3 Steps to Get More Sales From Your Customer Database.' You're encouraged to register free. Limit 200 attendees.
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