March 24, 2014

How to Get Interviews with Affiliates & Partners with Vyral Client Andy Sachs

Vyral Client and Connecticut Realtor Andy Sachs shares how we went from 25 to 50 deals with the help of Vyral Marketing. He also shares how he interviews local town leaders to create useful and unique content for his blog that gets a "better response" than sending out his own videos with just him. To see Andy's blog and examples of his video interviews with strategic partners in local real estate, visit his Connecticut Real Estate Video Blog.

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Frank: Let me ask you this. What results are you seeing on the Vyral Marketing program?

Andy: I'll tell you what. The greatest asset to the Vyral Marketing program or appeal as far it pertains to my business is the opportunity to stay in front of my clients twice a month no matter what I do. And that's two-thirds or a little bit more of what I need to do is stay in front of past clients to maintain and to retain their business. So it sets that on autopilot.

Without that, I get busy in day to day life and there's no way I'd be able to stay in front of them to the extent that I'm able to. We can see people sharing our emails, people saying, hey you've got to hire Andy. And in that email they send them, they send a link to our blog.

So it's a pretty powerful tool.

Frank: Do you have any specific stories of results? Like, how do you measure the ROI of this? I mean, a lot of people will be asking, I'm going to spend money. How do I measure the result? How do you know it's worth the investment?

Andy: I don't think I do know. Talk to me in 4-6 months. I'm hiring an assistant that starts in May. And one of her jobs is tracking all of our marketing activities.

Frank: Well that's just because - I mean, how many homes did you sell last year?

Andy: 50.

Frank: And how many people are on your team?

Andy: 3.

Frank: And there's only so much that goes around to be able to know what you're going to track and what you're not going to track. But the reality is your business has certainly gone up, hasn't it?

Andy: Since I've used Vyral Marketing, business has gone up. Those 50 sales are just my sales. The team's got their own number as well. But those 50, and I use the Vyral Marketing more for - it's only me on the videos. We'll eventually expand out to team members being on the videos, I think. But this is just my independent business.

And since I've been with Vyral Marketing, I can tell you right now, the business has doubled since I started working with you guys.

Frank: That's great. What would be some tips you would tell someone to succeed at this, because you've done well with this since you've worked with us. What does someone need to know to get these type of results that you're seeing?

Andy: Consistency. I mean, you've got to have a video out there twice a month. You've got to put it on Facebook. You've got to advertise it on Facebook.

I think getting out to your sphere of influence is one aspect, and that's very important. But the secondary or tertiary opportunities through Facebook and LinkedIn is also pretty huge.

And the second part is have fun with it. I've done some great interviews with local town leaders, my inspectors, not just run-of-the-mill market data updates, which we still do. But we try to think of ways that are going to appeal to people. And when we do those interviews with those different approaches or different topics that are a little bit outside of the box, our viewership has doubled or tripled easily on the social networks.

Frank: So tell me more about these interviews. How do you make these interviews successful? If someone wants to start interviewing others, and you're getting very good results with that, why is that, and what do they need to do?

Andy: Well I think first is you've got to sit down and say, who in our town is of interest? Wherever you live. Ours is the first selectman, which is like a mayor. And she was one of our biggest ones. And these folks, they love to get out their agenda. So I don't go in with any plan. I'm not politically aligned one way or another in these interviews. But just kind of, what's on your mind? What's going on in town that you're working on? What can people in town expect to see from X-Y-Z.

So we interviewed her. We interviewed our police chief. People are always interested in safety and what's going on. We interviewed our town assessor. The taxes went up a little bit. People want to know what's going on. And rather than just hear my opinion, I went right to the source and said, hey. What happened with the assessment? It went up a little bit. And taxes went up. Tell us the ideology behind that. And people loved it. People loved it. It was great. And it was very easy to get the interview scheduled.

Frank: So how much time would you say all this takes?

Andy: To interview? I'm in and out of their office in 20 minutes. It's a chat for about 5 minutes before. I come with 3 questions, and that's the whole interview. And then you're in and out. And if it's my own video that I'm just filming in my office, I'm done in 5 minutes. Upload it to the site and it's done.
So anywhere between 5 and 20 minutes per video. That's it.

Frank: So why do you use Vyral Marketing? Why not do this yourself or hire someone more cheaply to do it?

Andy: There's a couple answers there. One is I don't have the time. Time is money. So if I were to edit this and then write a blog about it and optimize it with all the keywords and tags, I'm looking at 2 hours per video, when in those 2 hours I can make 40-50 phone calls and probably pick up 5-6 listing appointments. And from there you can obviously track how much money I can make in that time versus editing my own videos.

And second is I'm not an editor. I'm not a writer. It's not what I'm good at. So I'd rather hire people that are good at it to do it for me.

Frank: So what are some other ways that you see yourself leveraging Vyral Marketing to help your business? Are there other ways you want to apply it maybe beyond the two videos a month that you've thought of to get more results?

Andy: Yeah. One of my favorite things about Vyral Marketing is that you guys are so incredibly proactive about saying, what else can we do for you? Or experimenting with different opportunities like the sell and lead letter, which we sent out to our database and I had like 12 listing leads come from that. I mean, from one email. Fantastic!

Frank: You had 12 listing leads from the magical seller home lead generation email?

Andy: I did. I think I ended up with probably about 6 listings from it.

Frank: That's great.

Andy: So you guys wrote the email. You sent it. And I just saw people write me wanting me to call them. They're asking me to call them, and I did nothing.

Frank: Great.

Andy: Yeah, it's fantastic. Things like that, proactive opportunities that you guys put out there are fantastic. At the end of the day, I think we're looking for any opportunity to drive more traffic into our site and gain more exposure, so as those opportunities present themselves, we'll do them.

Frank: Just a few more questions. I mean, what were some of your fears before doing this. Why didn't you do it sooner?

Andy: I think like anything as a realtor, we're bombarded with the latest and greatest opportunities to grow our business. And I ended up going with you guys for a couple of reasons. One is you didn't over promise me anything. You said, this is what we do. This is where it goes. This is the effect we believe it's going to have.

You didn't say, we're going to grow your business by 10-fold. That's the type of bombardment we get on a daily basis from different lead generation systems. This just made sense for me from a long-term branded proposition. Knowing that I've got to be in front of my sphere of influence three or four times a month for them to remember me, for them to know to refer me, to use me when they're ready, because the data is staggering. If you don’t' stay in front of these people, you've lost them when they're ready to sell their home again or buy another home or refer you. So that to me is a no-brainer.

And then beyond that, it was just easy. I like easy. My only responsibility is to record two videos and that's it. I didn't have to touch a button. I just had to approve the email, and it was done. That's it.

Frank: Good. Well is there anything else you want to share with someone who is maybe on the fence about hiring Vyral Marketing, what they need to know?

Andy: I think it's important to know that like anything else in this business, you don't get rich overnight. And this is part, if you're in this business for the long haul, you're looking to grow your business organically and root it in firm ground.

Vyral Marketing is a tool that helps you do that. And there's a clear differentiation over the average realtor out there. At the end of the day, that's the client you're looking for.

Frank: Well Andy thanks for your time. I really appreciate the good words.

Andy: It's my pleasure, man.

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