March 28, 2014

How Quarterly Offers to Your Database Generates Immediate Response with Vyral Client Chris Myers

Vyral Client Chris Myers - a top producing Realtor in Orlando, FL - shares how 1 simple, plain text email properly written generated over 180 inquiries to his home seller price evaluation website, which lead to 11 sales appointments and 5 firm potential clients in only 1 week. You’ll also learn how Chris comes up with great content ideas for his 2 educational videos a month to nurture his entire database so he builds trust and authority. To get the exact email Chris sent to his whole real estate database, see our Spring 2014 Magical Home Seller Lead Generation Email

*NOTE FROM FRANK: “My apologies for my breathing in the background of this interview, note to self not to keep the microphone so close to your mouth when you’re on an interview!”

Chris: Every time one of our videos goes out, we see an initial influx of activity, like a little flurry of activity on our website. On the buyer's side, we're seeing our Boomtown site get a lot of direct registrations, and the timing just corresponds exactly when the Vyral video goes. And then on the listing side, the same goes for our home valuation site. And I even start to get a few texts, phone calls, and emails from people in my database, past clients, friends, family. So it's definitely working at helping me to better stay in touch with the people that I need to be touching more diligently any way.

The last email that went out was one of the quarterly emails that's not a video, that you write for us. And that one was just - blew me out of the water with the results we received. It was the message designed to entice people to get their home valuation since the market has improved so dramatically recently. And we received, it's nearly 180 registrations on our home valuation site, along with numerous direct emails as well. People who didn't register but just responded via email.

Just from that one email, we've only touched the few people who said, I need or want to sell my house within the next 30-60-90 days, 1 year. We only went back to the 1 year point so far. Out of that, my listing specialist set 11 appointments that were kind of, let's see if the value even makes sense for you, because our valuation set is a very broad range. So we want to talk to them in a little more depth and see if it really is the right time for them.

We still have 5 more of those 11 to have those in-depth conversations with next week. And of the ones that we have called, so the other 6, we do have 5 firm appointments to go out and discuss listing their property right now.

Frank: That's great. So what you're sharing here is the direct offer email. So you're sending out the two education videos a month to stay top of mind and build trust and authority with everyone in your database, your past clients, your centers of influence, you buyer leads, and your seller leads.

But then what we also recommend to do is every three months or every quarter, we send a direct offer to your database, where it's just text, and it's very compelling to drive them right to some type of opt in or registration, which in your case is come find out what your home may be worth. And those tend to generate some of the leads for you.

Chris: Oh yeah.

Frank: So that's some great results. Fantastic. Hopefully we can do that every three months.

Chris: Phenomenal results.

Frank: So tell me more about what were you doing before Vyral Marketing to stay in touch with your database?

Chris: Unfortunately, we weren't doing anything.

Frank: Why not?

Chris: Well, it was just the long-neglected piece of our business that I knew we had to get to. However, it's how are we going to reach out and touch these people? Are we just going to hit them with a canned email drip campaign that really has no meaning? Or are we going to give them something of value?

I really didn't want to just give them something canned. I wanted it to be more personalized. And although these videos do go out to our entire database, we try to do them on topics that people will find valuable and relevant to continue encouraging the people to watch and connect with us, reach back out to us.

Frank: So how do you come up with these topics of what to say in the videos? That is usually the most difficult thing to starting something like this, knowing what to say in the first place.

Chris: Gotcha. Well one thing is your site is full of amazing ideas. And I kind of look at what other Vyral clients are doing as well to get some ideas sometimes.

Then we also have situations that we're running into, or wanting to update on our local market and the changes taking place.

Or on questions that we're frequently asked. So if enough people are asking us, there must be a lot more people out there with the same question who just hasn't raised their hand. So we'll do a video on that as well.

Frank: So how many deals did you get from your database last year? Do you know?

Chris: You know, it was something we weren't tracking like we should. Now, referral and word of mouth has always been a huge, huge part of our business, even though I never did anything to cultivate it. I would say it was well over 50% of our business. And I had said for years, if I only start treating this database like it should be, I'd be doing 3x the amount of transactions.

Frank: And then how many deals did you do in 2013?

Chris: About 70.

Frank: Great. And you're in Orlando?

Chris: Correct.

Frank: So how would you judge the ROI of Vyral Marketing? How do you measure it?

Chris: Just since we began working with you a few months back, I can already count buyers and sellers who have reached out to us due to that. I could go back, because we're now tracking it. I don't know the numbers offhand. But I can dig through our database and say, what have we received who, they may have been in our database already, but they reached back out to us because of the Vyral videos or emails and began doing business with us once again. I can calculate that.

Frank: If you had the numbers, which pulls in so many different directions sometimes, it's not the easiest thing to pull out in a quick interview like this.

Chris: Not on a quick interview. But I can definitely say it's far greater than the investment.

Frank: Sure. Well that's great. So what tips would you give someone to be successful at this? What does someone need to know to get the results that you're getting?

Chris: I would say for one, just do it. When you send out that email, I had posted my results, and someone had replied to that. If I hadn't posted our results, he would have never asked you to send that email to his database, which astonished me. So one is just do it.

Make sure you're recording the two videos per month. And you know, just always keep in the back of your mind when situations come up, would this be a good little video? Should I take two minutes out of my day to quickly record it and send it off to you?

There are so many great ideas out there.

Frank: So why don't you do something like this on your own, or have someone in your office do it, or hire someone more cheaply? Why spend the money on us?

Chris: There are several reasons. If I just go to the accountability portion. I'm like a little kid sometimes. If somebody's not spanking for me for having not gotten done. Scott's amazing at reaching out to me - hey man, I need your videos. I need your videos.

I get busy, and I don't think about it. So someone else is keeping it top of mind for me. Now, he's also coaching me through it at times. So he'll be on a screen share, and I'm standing there in front of the camera.

He's watching me and coaching me. How to say it maybe a little bit better, that will get a stronger response.
And then there are so many things that are already just done for us. Scripts on topic sequences or educational sequences that can go out to a buyer that is currently working with us for example or a short sale client. And then there's also the things - you custom write those emails that just get such a strong response. I could never do that on my own.

Frank: The writing of the emails, Chris, is really the most valuable skill we can give you, as you experience din that one direct mail offer we sent out.

Chris: Oh yeah, plus the coaching on my database. The way you guys reach out to our closed clients for the testimonials and reviews.

Frank: So tell me more about that customer testimonial program we have in place, which is no extra charge. So we're doing that for no more money. What results are you getting for that? What do you like about it? Just explain that a little more to me and go a little more in depth with that.

Chris: Sure. Well it's something again it's been one of the many to-dos on our to-do list, building out that, for example the Zillow reviews. As I had a few reviews on there, but not nearly enough. I would say I've got more than most agents in my area. However, you guys are just now beginning to do that for me, because I finally reached out to you to - you guys were on me forever. Hey, work with us to do this.

Frank: To give us the names of your clients after the sale closes so we can call and interview them on a recorded phone line to get a success story. And then we summarize it, we send it back to your customer to go post on sites like Yelp or Zillow. We also track ROI that way by actually asking your customers how they heard about you.

Chris: When I finally started giving you the names, should have done it much sooner, because I'm an idiot. We have about 14 reviews up there. And one of the top agents in our area - she credits Zillow with a big portion of her success. She has I think like 169 reviews. And not even a year ago, back in September, she only had about 70-some. And at that point, year to date, so January-September, she could attribute 40 listings from people calling her from her Zillow reviews.

So it's a wake-up call. I've got to build them out.

Frank: That's why we put that in place. So we start with the two videos a month. Then we also have the quarterly direct offers, that you experience the results of that. We're also building out the follow-up sequences for each of your lead sources. And I'll have more on that coming up Chris.

On top of that, we have the Master Minds, which I know you're involved in for the Google Hangouts and other top agents.

Chris: Highly valuable.

Frank: And then calling your customers for interviews and success stories. Is there anything that you could share with anyone listening about, again, any tips or what someone would need to know to be successful with Vyral?

Chris: I would say you Frank, try to make it as easy as possible for us. All we have to do is say okay, yes please. Like sending you our closed clients. Saying, yes please, send the video to my database. Or please send the email to my database. It's pretty much done for you. And as long as I answer the phone when Scott's calling me at the scheduled time, it goes out right then and there.

Frank: Correct. As long as you answer the phone and shoot your videos and get it to your list we'll get you results. Chris, I appreciate you on the call giving me all this great feedback. That means a lot to me, knowing this is working well for you.

Chris: Thank you.

[end of transcript]

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