April 2, 2014

How Vyral Client Lorie Gould Got 14 Deals in 6 Months with The Vyral Marketing System

Vyral Client Lorie Gould, a top Atlanta real estate agent, shares how she measures her direct return on investment of her Vyral Marketing by tracking her sources of business. Her entire investment was recovered in 2 short months because prospects found her videos online and replied back to her educational emails.

She has 14 closed deals in the pipeline directly from her education-based customer database marketing in only 6 months actively following The Vyral Marketing System.

Her big “ah-ha” was to include all of her leads in on her emails in addition to her close relationships of past clients, customers, and people she met.

Lorie's a great example of following The Vyral Marketing System of adding as many people as you can to your database, shooting 2 videos a month like clockwork, and calling the people who click the links in your emails for priority follow-up.

Great work Lorie! You are an example of everyone to follow for results.


Frank: So, Lorie what results have you seen on Vyral Marketing program?

Lorie: Well, I have seen fabulous results so far as past clients really responding to the videos. And it’s really fun. Because when the video goes out, then you just start getting all these reply emails. So, it’s fun to watch. And we know exactly when it went out just because of all the reply emails that we get.

And so through the Masterminds that you guys have had – Mega Agents and Family Reunion and so forth - I picked up a lot of great tips from people that have been clients of yours for along time. Now so we started taking all of our leads and sending them over to our Get Vyral database so that the videos started going out to everybody.

And we immediately started seeing results from that with buyers we have never even spoken to, sellers that we never spoken to that just maybe found us through Zillow or Trulia and just saw a listing of ours. Then they started responding to the videos. And we started getting them preapproved and going on listing appointments.

So I can tell you that literally when we started utilizing it, we had immediate results. So last year was paid for from the few deals that we did at the end of the year. So it’s as a result of what we started in October. And then we already more than paid for it this year with closed transactions directly as a result of Get Vyral and just popping all of our leads in there.

People are loving the videos. And at this point I’m starting to get people calling me saying, I want you to come list my house. We want to get pre approved. I loved your video. And in addition to that of them receiving it, we are getting calls from people who are seeing it on YouTube and other things like that.
So it’s actually really exciting. And I can just feel it just building and building and building upon itself. So it’s very exciting.

Frank: Well, that’s great. Thanks for all those – that’s good to hear. So tell me, how do you know it’s from Vyral Marketing and you wouldn't have received that business otherwise?

Lorie: Because we ask all of – you know, our callers where they found us on there. As far as past clients, we do a lot of repeats and a lot of referrals. And so all of my past clients, they call me The Video Star. They call and they tell me they really love the videos. And they respond that to them via email.

And as result of those, we have people who have been their leasing their homes for the past couple of years because they were waiting for the market to get better. And they are now like, Okay. Now I want to list it now and get it done. So we always ask to track where the leads come from.

So it’s real exciting. So we know if somebody actually saw the video just on YouTube just by doing whatever search they do and they find us just by the key words that you guys put in to the description. And we know that’s a result because they received a video, because we pulled them from Zillow or Tulia or Realtor.com or any of our website leads and popped them in to your database so they can receive the video.
So we know exactly where they are coming from.

Frank: So what would you say your return on investment has been on the Vyral Marketing program?

Lorie: Oh my gosh. I mean last year just when we started it, we really got into October. I mean like I said - I mean that paid for it for all the time that I paid for it last year plus some. And that just in those couple of months that we did it in 2013.

Frank: Do you know how many deals you got because of Vyral Marketing?

Lorie: From the time that we started in October to the end of the year, we closed three.

Frank: Okay. Good.

Lorie: But that just the short period of time because that point I think we were only like talking what? Maybe 5, 6 videos? Tops? Not even actually for looking at October November because they close by the end of the year. So we’re talking very few videos got that kind of result.

Frank: Two or three emails got you three listings.

Lorie: Exactly. And this year through 1st quarter we are right at probably about six closed transactions as a result. And I can tell you that I’ve got about four or five listings right now that are active as a result of it. And the phone is just ringing off the hook.

Frank: Well, that’s fantastic.

Lorie: I mean – literally it’s a lot of fun. Yeah.

Frank: How has Vyral Marketing changed your business then? Has it changed it?

Lorie: It has changed it. Well, when I originally met you, I was really in need of an up-to-date 33-touch program. You know to really keep in touch with past clients that put my space out there and give my message out there. And so I wanted something that was different than what other people were doing.

And I knew video was really big but I don’t – I wanted something very professional. And so I was immediately drawn to what you guys do because it’s just a great website on there. And the videos are great. And you guys edit them. And it was – it just makes it turnkey.

All I have to do is shoot the video with all my bloopers and blunders. And all of that. And you guys clean it up and send it out. So it’s very easy versus me having to do all that myself, you know, on the air. So to me it’s just a great 33 touch program. The past clients are loving it.

And I never – when I originally signed up I never thought to pump all the leads in there. Like I said as a result of going to the client things that you have and being able to network with agents that are doing far larger volumes than I’m doing and learning how they‘ve utilized it and how it’s grown their business, I immediately came back and implemented that. So, we started sending all of our leads to you guys. And it’s just – it’s amazing to see what’s happening. So I’m real excited about it.

Frank: Okay. So, tell me what are doing to make the program successful? Rather what would you recommend someone does so they see the same results as you?

Lorie: Well, not wait as long as I did to get going on there. And to really listen to the coach that‘s available to you and follow up on that. And not – when we first started I scheduled and we shot the videos - you guys helped me shoot the videos through my computer because I was very video reluctant on that. So you just have to start doing it.

And pick your great topics. And you guys send out topics to talk about. Various things like that. Also calling back. You guys send a lead sheet on all the people that clicked on one of the links. And following up on those. As a matter of fact I got a listing this week. I’m following up on one of those because it’s from the video that just went out. On the air we‘re still working that list.

So, I can say from – I have pages – literally pages of leads from the last video that we sent out where people then clicked on a link for wanting more information on something or whether it will be about their house value or looking for property. And so I then take those sheets and I give them to the proper people on the team.
So, I’ve got my ISA calling the seller leads. And I’ve got my buyer’s agent calling the buyer leads.

Frank: Great.

Lorie: And we have pages of them.

Frank: Great. So, why do you pay the premium for us versus doing it yourself or hiring someone cheaper?

Lorie: Because you guys give phenomenal service and a phenomenal product. The website’s fabulous. You guys put it all on YouTube. I mean it’s turnkey. So for a very little time on a monthly basis, I’m getting all this business. I mean it’s an unbelievable return on investment.

Where else can you say? It doesn’t even take an hour to shoot several videos. So, typically in an hour of video, we’re probably going to get six videos just out of that. So for an hour of time to get a minimum of one closing a month. But obviously it’s going to end up being 5, 10, 15 more closings a month if you’re putting all your leads in there. Where else are going to get that type of return investment? You’re not.

Frank: Sure. Was there anything else you want to say to someone who’s maybe on the fence about hiring Vyral Marketing?

Lorie: Literally they just need to come sit in my office and watch a video go out and watch all of the return emails come in of people wanting additional information, wanting to schedule an appointment, wanting to get pre-approved. I mean it’s instant. It is literally that instant.

So if you want a top quality service where you can shoot a video, have all your mistakes in there and somebody else cut them all out and send it out and have a huge return investment, you can’t even hesitate.

And I wish I would have found you guys a lot earlier. Because it’s just – I mean it’s great. It’s phenomenal.

And I tell everybody about it. Yeah.

Frank: Well, Lorie I really appreciate your kind words. Thanks a lot for your time.

Lorie: Absolutely, anytime.

[end of transcript]

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