April 15, 2014

How Vyral Client Scott Ashbaugh "Cashed In" on His Contact Database in Only 1 Month for 13x ROI

“Literally, in only 1 month I have over $7,000 pending commissions (13x ROI) from my videos. Every time I do a video I get phone calls - it’s been one of the most effective marketing decisions I’ve made hands-down.” - Vyral Client Scott Ashbaugh

Vyral Client and Kalamazoo real estate agent Scott Ashbaugh is only 18 months into the business and has quickly learned how to leverage all his existing contact database for new business. Scott exported all his connections on Facebook and LinkedIn he established as a real estate investor and now educates them with 2 timely and valuable Q&A video tips a month with the help of Vyral Marketing.

Frank: How is Vyral Marketing? Are you enjoying your time with us? Are you getting results?

Scott: Absolutely! It's one of the most effective marketing things that I've got going, hands down. Hands down!

Frank: Why is that? What results are you getting?

Scott: Every time we do one of my video blogs, and I mean Dan is still coaching me. Like, Scott you've got to be a little more upbeat. Scott, you've got to smile. So I'm not smooth at all at it yet. But every time you guys send it out, the very first day, they call me.

Frank: That's great.

Scott: Every time you guys have sent something out, I get phone calls. I get emails back. The very first email went out, and they just emailed out of the blue. Hey, I'd like to get together, but I can't. And I just played along. I didn't know who they were.

And I sent an email back. That would be great. I'd love to talk to you. What time can we work this out? And then as I'm doing that, tell me a little bit more about what's the information I look for.
And eventually I had to say, help me fill in the blanks. What's your last name?

Frank: So these are from people you don't even know who they are, and they're responding back to you.

Scott: Correct. I mean, they're in my database, but I have no personal relationship with them. And they're reaching back to me. And the feedback is, nobody is doing this. I've never seen anything like this. Wow!

To be honest, in the last 4 days, I've listed 4 houses. And all 4 of them called me.

Frank: So you're getting really good results. Now you've only been a client for a few months. How long have you been doing this?

Scott: Probably not even a month.

Frank: If you could sum up the benefit of Vyral Marketing to you, what has Vyral Marketing done for your business?

Scott: It doesn't cost money; it makes money. If you have any amount of people to reach out to, it doesn't cost money; it makes money.

The level of credibility and professionalism that it gives you, I didn't expect. I thought I would still have to go after people, but the minute those messages go out, the email lights up. The website that I send them to lights up. I wish I could show you the spike.

Just on my home valuation website alone, I picked up 115 leads in less than 48 hours. 115 new home valuation clients. And bear in mind, on that home valuation site, I have tons of data. They didn't just enter a name. They gave me tons of data about themselves on that site. That was new - I can't buy that on Facebook for any amount of money. I can't drop $5K and get that kind of volume. I know that.

Frank: That's great. What it's like working with Dan as opposed to doing this on your own?

Scott: Oh my God! That was the whole kicker. I know some people who have got a college student locally. And I was considering that. But then I had to show him everything, and I'm not a techie guy. I had to walk him through, no-no-no. I don't want it to do that. I want it to do that.

It was all that hand-holding. And what is it that I really want. But you guys put it all together. When you send a video out that made that comment. Where else could you get this level of expertise with a proven, repeatable system that the top teams across the United States are doing, where we do this on a regular basis. It's proven, it's constantly perfected and fine-tuned, and you've got top to bottom, the logos, the print, the videos itself, the editing in the videos, and the editing in the videos.

People laugh at it, and go, how did you do that? I have no fuck**g idea. I didn't do it. It just really makes us look incredibly professional. My mortgage guys want to step up and get involved. My buyer's agents want to step up and get involved. They just want to be a part of it.

Frank: So how do you track ROI from all of this?

Scott: I would just say, have I gotten a closing from it yet? No, because I'm still so brand new. But have I gotten clients and listings, yeah, literally one month in. Have I gotten clients?

Frank: How much GCI do you have in the pipeline right now because of Vyral Marketing within one month?

Scott: I've got over $7K already.

Frank: Great! And we've got 11 months to go. That's pretty good.

Scott: Yeah, very happy with it.

Frank: So why didn't we do something like this sooner?

Scott: Because I was brand new cash flow. I just couldn't afford to make that step. But had I made that step sooner, I would have looked like a rock star right out of the gate.

Frank: So let me ask you this- specifically why did you hire us in the first place? Why? Why did you give us money?

Scott: I was just trying to think. I didn't realize how big my database was compared to everybody else. And obviously, I was recognized. And I'm doing very a poor job of follow up with all of them, even though I have Infusion Soft. I've got a very powerful database system. It wasn't enough. It isn't personal enough. And the feeling is video managing - if there was a way I could leverage it, and that's where I started thinking about maybe I need to reach out to a college kid.

And it was just so timely. You sent, I think it was a Brad Korn video out.

Frank: Yeah, how to reengage your database when you haven't really done much with them.

Scott: Exactly. I watched that, and it was kind of like the epiphany of that's what I need to do. But gosh, in that you made the comment work that you hire gets you a level of professionalism. And that's when everything just kind of meshed. I was already considering when I get a nice big closing or month, just set some of that money aside and hire a kid. Why would I hire a kid when I could hire you guys and get a far better product?

Frank: It's probably cheaper. Where are you going to find someone for $525 a month that could do all this? You can't pay someone $8/ hour part time for that rate.

Scott: Oh absolutely. And I'd still end up having to do it myself. Even though I may not have the tools myself. No-no-no. Do it like this. Here. Go to this website. Copy that guy.

Frank: How much time does all this take on the Vyral Marketing program? How much time are you seriously doing this?

Scott: Almost nothing. It's simply time blocking on a monthly basis the little bit of time it takes to shoot a video. Now, I'm no rock star on the videos yet, so sometimes I have to shoot it 2-3 times to get the marbles out of my mouth. But I’m enjoying the process more, getting used to it more. And actually I have a list now of other ideas I can kind of work up to shoot the extra videos. So that's - it's shooting the video and then doing the follow up. And that's what we're all here to do anyway.

Frank: So you're still new in the business. How long have you been selling real estate, Scott?

Scott: About a year and a half.

Frank: Okay, a year and a half in the business. And you have a huge database.

Scott: Yeah.

Frank: Why is that? That seems strange. Why is your database so large? Tell me the back story behind that.

Scott: Because I understood right away the value of marketing. I guess to take a bigger step back, before I was a realtor I was an investor. So I came understanding how to go to the title office. I already had RedX 5 years before I even thought of being a realtor. So I already expireds and FSBOs, probate, non-owner occupants. I already had all that stuff rolling.

When I hired my buyer's agent, when I was still coming on board, she came from commercial insurance. So she brought 1000s and 1000s of people from her database that she worked with. They knew who she was. And both of us got very active on Facebook and on LinkedIn. We loaded those in. I had Commissions Inc.

So right off the bat, before I was even a licensed Realtor I had a mortgage company willing to step up and invest in marketing with me. So I got Commissions Inc cranked up right away. So I was getting anywhere from -

Frank: You reached out to farmers and you got their databases. You got databases obviously from buyer's leads online. You've done very well at connecting with people as an investor on LinkedIn, it sounds like, as well as maybe Facebook. And you just came into Vyral Marketing with a good list, which is great.

Scott: Right. And because I always knew that marketing, reaching out to people and getting those people in - so I have a name, an address, a phone number, an email address - was going to help me leverage. And obviously, I was trying to work on and craft the message and myself and the business. But I needed people to send it to. And doggone, postage gets expensive. And there's got to be a better way of reaching out to everybody.

So I always focused on building the database. And to be honest, I've got far more leads that I can effectively manage.

Frank: Well because you now have to convert them into videos helping you do that. 

Scott: Yeah, this is fantastic.

Frank: Well Scott, thank you for your kind comments.

Scott: Well you have been a huge help. You're team has been awesome to work with. But you've really helped to fine tune and guide me and show me what a lot of the other top teams across the country are doing. And I'm just trying to consume and implement.

[end of transcript]

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