March 5, 2015

How Realtor Spencer Janke Generated 10 New Clients in 60 Days with Video Marketing

"[We generated] almost 1 million dollars in real estate from just last week's email. It's been huge, between January and February I have sold 40 houses so far, and I can attribute at least 10 of these sales from our marketing efforts. I'll probably sell 35-40 million dollars in homes this year, and I'd attribute 3-4 million in sales this year just because of your service. I'd tell [others] that I made some good money off of you guys."

-Vyral Client Spencer Janke

[Full transcription below]

John: So you've been with Vyral for 2 or 3 months and you've seen some success with these videos?

Spencer: Yes, I've been surprised at the amount of people actually commenting about the videos. People I work with or past clients or whoever it may be - they've been saying they like the videos and what I'm doing. I was recently harping on one of my listing agents that he really needed to follow through on social media and talk to people who had been watching these videos, and he just sold a $400,000 home because of it. There's almost 1 million dollars in real estate from just last week's email. It's been huge, between January and February I have sold 40 houses so far, and I can attribute at least 10 of these sales from our marketing efforts.

John: That’s really great. You've already paid for more than a year of Vyral. But, to take you back, do you remember why you hired Vyral to start with?

Spencer: The biggest thing for me was the consistency, and right now is the busy time of year. Money is easy to make when the market is hot, but then you're also so busy that you slacken your marketing efforts. But it's really easy with Vyral and it's kind of like being on autopilot. Leah makes it really easy, especially when I'm all over the place, and that's really appealing to me.

Another thing that I like are all the client testimonials. Every client that's done a testimonial has called me about it, and I think it's pretty great that they would take the time to do that. So you guys have a really good system in place that simplifies the whole process for me.

John: Before you signed up with us, did you ever think about trying this yourself? 

Spencer: Yeah, absolutely. I had one loan officer in Salt Lake that wanted to shoot a video with me, so we shot a couple, and it was just really time-consuming. Now that you guys have it all set up, it's really easy for me or one of my guys to jump on and shoot a video in two minutes and them I'm done.

John: Did you have any fears before signing up with us?

Spencer: Obviously I had a fear of this would be worth it to spend this kind of money, it was like $2,500 up front, but obviously at this point I'm glad that I did it. I know it's working, so I don't really bat an eye at it anymore.

John: What would you say you like most about working with us?

Spencer: I’d say it's very easy to do everything. We have a phone call, shoot a video, and then I'm done and I can go back to what I'm good at. I'm good at being in front of people and with this sort of marketing being on autopilot, you guys take all of the hard work out of it.

John: What would you say to someone who would be on the fence about hiring us?

Spencer: I’d say that for me I know it's been working, and I'm a sphere of influence guy, so I've been paying attention to that and I've gotten the best results and more positive feedback than I have in the last 12 years. I'll probably sell 35-40 million in homes this year, and I'd attribute 3-4 million in sales this year just because of your service. I'd tell them that I made some good money off of you guys.

John: Do you have any tips you could offer for someone to be successful with us?

Spencer: One tip would be to have your database in order and to send it to you guys. You need to make sure it's updated, because we always contact people and throw them in our database. I've also been watching other Realtor's videos from across the country, and I almost use it as a way to look at my business and see if I should be doing something that I'm not, so it's been really beneficial. So, I would just say to people to make sure that you're providing good content and making sure your database is up to date.

[End of transcription]