August 5, 2016


John: Today we have Kristin Nietzel with us. She is in a junior coaching role, although her team is transitioning right now. Kristin, how long have you been with Vyral?

Kristin: I’ve been here about eight months. I started at the beginning of December.

John: Why did you come aboard in the first place?

Kristin: I was looking for a job with consistent hours. I worked inconsistent hours and really wanted something more consistent. The flexible, nine to five was pretty ideal for me.

John: Describe your first impression.

Kristin: It was really laid back. I came for my interview and actually ended up coming a half hour early. You just told me to come back in a half hour, so I did. Everyone was really nice and it seemed like a place people enjoyed working at.

John: After eight months, why have you decided to stick around?

Kristin: I’m learning so much. I’m still in school so the fact that I have this experience under my belt when I graduate, that’s nice too.

John: Where do you think you’re headed with your career?

Kristin: I would like to become a coach here at Vyral. I’m majoring in Marketing and having experience at a company before I graduate will put me ahead even if I do want to find a job at a different marketing company.

John: I’m sure it’s been a lot of different things, but what have you learned since you’ve been here?

Kristin: The main thing is communication skills. I didn’t really have a problem talking with people before, but learning how to professionally talk to people and bounce ideas back and forth in a professional setting. That’s been the main thing - disciplining myself to get stuff done. Learning how to organize your time well, that’s been another good thing.

John: What makes us different than other places you have worked?

Kristin: The scheduling. It’s not the end of the world if you come in a little late. Not knowing when I was going to be working bothered me so much. It's’ a more flexible atmosphere.

John: What could we be doing differently as an employer?

Kristin: I think when people are onboarded, I think there needs to be a clear set of expectations of what you’re in charge of. I know we have the checklists on Trello, but I think there needs to be a list of what you are in charge of.

John: We talked about this a little bit and you said one of the reasons you like working here is the people. What makes the people fun to work with?

Kristin: Everyone is so nice and fun. Most of the people here are pretty young and everyone likes to have a good time, but get their stuff done.

John: Any specific memorable moments since you’ve been working at Vyral?

Kristin: I did the sand volleyball team and I didn’t go to that many games, but when I did it was really fun. Being able to hang out with people not in a work setting and have a good time. That was really cool.

John: You’ve been closely working with clients. Can you name a time where you really helped out or wowed a client?

Kristin: We have one client who is so sweet and thankful every time you do every little thing for her. When you do something above and beyond, she is so thankful. I think that’s a big thing. Talking to clients really makes you realize the bigger picture and how what you’re doing is going to help them and their company do well. It makes you want to do better since they are so thankful.

John: What would you tell someone who is thinking about working here at Vyral?

Kristin: I would say it’s definitely a great place to work. There are definitely trade-offs. Working at a bigger company might pay a little more, but it won’t be as flexible or casual a work environment. It’s a great place to get experience and a really fun place to work.

John: Any personality traits of someone who shouldn’t work here?

Kristin: You need to have some sort of communication and organization skills. That’s not my biggest strong suit, but it makes things a lot easier working here. Someone who doesn’t have the initiative to get things done and needs someone over their shoulder, I would say maybe this is not the place for you.

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