July 8, 2009

Get More Referrals with Prospecting-Based, Marketing-Enhanced Internet Lead-Generation

Introducing our Vyral Marketing System™ - Here's The Overview

Start our daily, weekly, and monthly Vyral Marketing System to stay in front of your contacts at least 33 times a year in a consistent, leveraged, and value-added way. It’s an all out war for your client’s mind-share! Ask yourself how many other service providers in your industry would like your contact’s business? You better believe they are already getting direct mail and phone calls from your competition, but – with the help of your friends at Vyral Marketing – you’ll stay one step ahead in the battle for your client's mind.

First of all, let me be clear - you must set aside 3 hours a day for your lead-generation prospecting – there are no questions about it (8am-11am is best). Consistent, high-quality, leads are the life-blood of your business, and you must give it the attention it deserves if you’re going to grow your business to profitable new heights! The most successful people I know get to the office at 6am because it’s the only time they can work undisturbed.

Here’s how it works:

3 Daily
Video Emails
3 Daily Handwritten Notes
3 Daily Phone Calls / SMS

1 Weekly 300-500 Word Blog Post
1 Weekly Client Testimonial
1 Weekly Email Blast

1 Monthly Article (1000+ Words)

7 Yearly Greeting Cards
3 Yearly ‘Appreciate You’ Letters

* All Year Send Birthday & Anniversary Cards

With our Vyral Marketing System, you’ll have the perfect blend of ‘touches’ to reach your contacts in a very personalized way. Let’s say, for example, you have a list of 200 names, and your first of three names that day to contact is ‘Bob Smith’; he would receive:

That day,

A personalized email with an attached
webcam video from you.
A handwritten note in the mail the next day with business cards.
A phone call to catch up and ask who you should be doing business with.

That week,

A short email that links back to your educational video blog post.

That month,

A simple, color 8.5x11 newsletter in his mailbox he hangs on his fridge.

All year long,

Greeting cards with pictures and stories of your successful clients.
An occasional letter saying how much you appreciate him in your life.
A birthday and anniversary card on days that are most important to him.

Best of all, this program is extremely low cost – your only direct, financial cost is inexpensive, plain stationary and a few stamps. It’s not about the ‘brand’, but the personalized connection you’ll systematically create with each of your contacts so you flood your business with new clients at a very low cost to you.

We offer our Vyral Marketing Membership to take care of your blog, email marketing, video recording/editing, and article writing (marketing) – but it’s still up to you to write handwritten notes, make phone calls, and send personalized email (prospecting) direct to your contacts for your ultimate success. When it all comes together, you’ll have so much business – all from quality, in-bound leads and new client referrals, we promise you’ll make more money and live a happier life – it’s why we do what we do. That’s what we call prospecting-based, marketing enhanced lead-generation!

But here’s the bottom line, you MUST put this system into action right now! Be honest with yourself, how much business have you lost because you haven’t stayed in touch with all your contacts? Why haven’t you done so? We’ll we’re here to make sure it gets done – and you now have the complete system at your fingertips for success!

Open your calendar and mark a few times this week, in the morning, when you’ll do your prospecting activities. Keep it simple this week, just make phone calls, send email, and write handwritten notes to your top contacts that you have the best relationship with. In my coming posts, I’ll detail the best practices for executing the system itself.
Featured Video
Teresa Elliott - (2114 S 189 Cir - Omaha, NE)
Prudential Ambassador - Omaha, NE

**2114 S 189 Cir - Omaha, NE** - Another great video Teresa! Love the shot when you give the popcorn to the stuffed animal - every video you make gets better and better! Again, we'll put this up on a lead-generation landing page for you so you can send it to you potential buyers saving you a ton of time and adding incredible value above and beyond anyone else!
Featured Client Testimonial
Chris Beaton - (Realtor, Team Elliott)
Prudential Ambassador - Omaha, NE

1 comment:

  1. Interesting program, thanks for the post. I think it's a great idea to have a dedicated time for prospecting and lead and/or revenue generation activities. Although sales prospecting is a necessary evil, I believe it's best to keep your outside sales people (the highly paid crew) focused on qualified leads. In our view, someone is qualified if they are "ready to talk". We provided a list of 101 lead generation ideas that might be helpful in combination with your program. See the link on our name.
